Disciplinary actions against Higher secondary students - Directions... Others
Regulations of Study Tour in Higher secondary-New Regulations Others
HSE-Special Fee-Remittance-Utilisation-Opening PD Account Others
School Code For New Higher Secondary Schools Others
Celebration of Gandhi Smrithi and Clean Campus circular Day celebrations
District Merit Scholarship 2014-15. Fresh Online Registration Portal Scholarships
District Merit Scholarship 2014-15. Notification & Instructions Scholarships
Modified General Transfer Norms for Higher Secondary Teachers. Govt Order GO(P) No.193/2014/Gen.Edn dtd 22.09.2014 Transfer
Souhrida- Application invited for New Souhrida Club Club
NSS Day celebration NSS
DCA course conducted by Kerala State Open School. Govt Order GO(MS) No.30/2014 P&ARD dtd 18.09.2014 Others
DCA course conducted by Kerala State Open School. List of Schools selected for DCA Study Centres Others
Souhrida Club- Selection of Special Faculty Members for souhrida programmes Others
Performance Assessment Committee Members -NSS Revised List reg NSS
Instruction For Principal-in-Charge of NewSchools Others
Revised Time schedule for Higher Secondary Schools(9AM to 4.45PM).Govt Order GO(Ms) No. 189/2014.Gen.Edn dtd 16.07.2014 Others
Skill Training Programme in new Higher Secondary Schools programmes
HSST Jr By transfer verification of documents- chemistry dtd 10.9.14 Transfer
KAHSS - EPF -froms and procedures- dtd 5.9.2014 PF
Service Regularization of Panchayath School Staff. Circular No. AdB/Gen/34427/HSE/2014 dtd 10.09.2014 Service
NSS State Award 2013-14 Published Award
OBC Scholarship 2013-14. Final List of Eligible Candidates Scholarships
HSE Onam Exam-Sept 2nd-Postponed to 4th. Circular Dated 01.09.2014 Exam
List of various Scholarship for Higher Secondary Students. Scholarships
Post matric schollarship Online Application Portal Post Matric
Post Matric Scholarship 2014 for Higher Secondary Students. Instructions Post Matric
HSE -Onaam exam preponed -Revised Timetable Time table
Plus Two SAY/IMP Revaluation Result June 2014 Result
List of Higher Secondary Schools Recomended by DHSE Director.Annexure 1 , 2 & 3 dtd 20.08.2014 Hss
Admission Procedure and Schedule in New Schools & Addl Batches Circular dtd 20.08.14 Others