General Approach - Kerala School Curriculam 2013 - Higher Secondary Level Academic
Provisional Seniority List of HSST(Jr.) Geography SENIORITY LIST
Lab Asst in HSS - Declaration of Probation- Govt Order Probation
Cluster Meeting of HSSTs for the formation of CE Monitoring & Schedule for CE monitoring 2014-15 . Circular dtd 16.12.2014 Others
Declaration of Probation of Lab Assistants in Higher Secondary Schools-Sanction Accorded. GO(RT) No.5567/2014 Gen.Edn dtd 15.12.14 Others
Public Entrance Examination Coaching Scheme (PEECS) - Instructions to HSS Principals - Cir.Dt. 15/12/2014 Others
NSS Special Camp Activity & Guideline reg NSS
Surprise inspection conducted by finance inspection wing in various HSS Inspection
MERIT CUM MEANS SCHOLARSHIP BPL Scholarship 2014-15 for Higher Secondary Students.Notification Scholarships
HSE-PTA guidelines modified-orders - Govt Order GO(MS) No.196/2014 Gen_edn dtd 23.09.2014 PTA
Higher Secondary Online registration Others
HSE- Discontinuing the use of rare /endangered plants animals in school laboratories and class rooms -Circular Lab
Awarding 3% marks grace marks to facilator students of Higher secondary who secure 95% attendance in games related activities in the 35th National Games -2015- GO(MS)/239/14/G.Edn dated 17/11/2014 Others
New Higher Secondary Schools & Batch 2015-16 GO(P)No 247/2014/Gen.Edn Dated 24/11/2014 Others
Plus-1 & Plus-2 -Remittance of exam fee-Date extended Exam
HSE -Second Term Exam 2014-Revised Time Table Time table
HSE - Second Term Examination December 2014.Notification & Time Table Time table
EAP-Traing-Spell Change- RP posting Training
Transfer and Posting of Principals Transfer
Provisional Seniority List of HSSTs/HSST Jr/Lab Assts in Panchayth Schools. Others
List of Skill Development Centers (SDC) Others
ASAP - Institutions which are declared as Skill Development Centers (SDC) DO. Letter no. 101/SS/2014/GEdn Others
Right to Service Act - Instructions to RDDs and Higher Secondary School Principals Cir. Dt. 25/10/2014 Others
Safety of School bus - Instructions issued by Higher Secondary Dept. Cir Dt. 24/06/2014 Others
DCA COURSE BY Kerala State Open School.Guidelines Others
Students Police Cadets- formation of Antidrug club... NSS
By Transfer appointment HSST(Junior) ZOOLOGY Transfer
New NSS Unit- POs Conference & Volunteers Leadership Camp. NSS
Notification of higher secondary Examination-March...2015 Exam